Carleton University and Solana Networks work on CANARIE project

Ottawa, ON – 
Sep 9, 2014

Carleton University in partnership with Solana has won a contract to develop a next-generation cloud-based monitoring system which will operate on the CANARIE network - Canada's Advanced Research and Innovation Network.

The 16 month project started earlier this year and is led by Carleton's Professor Shikharesh Majumdar. The project team is building the Research Platform for Smart Facilities Management (RP-SMARF) - a platform that will allow widely-dispersed researchers to share scattered data analysis tools, databases and expertise. 

Solana's team is led by its CTO Dr Biswajit Nandy who said that "the project team is using state of the art cloud software and technology to build a scalable and flexible monitoring platform which can be leveraged by users on the CANARIE network".

More information can be found here: